Sunday, July 13, 2008

Poets galore!

Poets galore!

Home again, home again, jiggity jig with enough poetic lines to fill my soul and ears to last for a least a week or two. The picture above is of the Texas Poet Laureate of 2008, Larry Thomas, a charming man, great poet, who read poems about Texas...all over Texas!
I met lots of interesting people and found myself along with my girlfriend, Barbara, middle-aged among the aged. There were women there I'm sure were marching upon 90 years. Does one have to be ancient to write poetry? I don't know whether to be encouraged or discouraged...most of the group have been writing for 20 or more years and have published, published, published. Of course, some have published great poems, others have published some not-so-great but that seems to be the name of the game. Why is it that I can't seem to get excited about seeing my stuff in print?
At the late night readings I either broke new ground or will never be allowed up front again. Yeah, I've done it again. I read my poem about my crush on my Lyme Disease doc called "Breathless on the table". The last stanza says something about leaving with "a handful of prescriptions and a juicy crotch." OMG, there was a roar...evidently it bordered on new ground, the edge of passion and desire. Two guys came up afterwards saying they wished they had gone to medical school; one said he wished that there were more poetry like it and that he noted that the woman who has been know to walk out at profanity had stayed. Maybe it had been a long time since she had had a juicy crotch...who knows. A few women said they loved it. Anyway such was my debut into the Poet's Society of Texas. I think I made an entrance that wasn't planned.
Lots of really good poetry was read and what a broad spectrum of topics. Much to learn and live up to and I'm definitely challenged.
Tomorrow I'm off to the Museum of Printing History to help with registration and to take my entry. Should be fun.


Dana S. Whitney said...

You go girl!! Are you part of the Poetry Therapy Association, by any chance? said...

No, I don't belong to that group. I don't belong to any therapy groups anymore...even AATA.

Kristin Allen said...

Kay, this sounds like so much fun -and so interesting. I can understand the age thing too - when you're in the midst of career and raising children, it's hard to justify poetry conferences, etc. Anyway, sounds relaly cool - like you met some neat people. And that poem! Any chance you'll be posting it?