Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cough, sneeze, wheez, blow!

I have no idea if these meets any of the EDM challenges but it certainly is what is currently my Every Day Matter, darn it.
One of those lovely winter bronchial things has settled in for what seems like forever. Now on the second round of heavy duty antibiotics I plan on being hale and hearty by next weekend.

In the meantime, send chicken soup.
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Lin said...

OH MY! I hope you're feeling better!!!! MAY 2007 BE WONDERFUL!! HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Lin said...

OH MY! I hope you're feeling better!!!! MAY 2007 BE WONDERFUL!! HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! btw, your sketch is wonderful!!!!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to find delight in your misery but this is a wonderful "slice of life" type sketch. Way to go making lemonade from life's lemons. Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful drawing but I'm sorry you're ill. My sweetie is as well. He's been sick almost his entire vacation. No fun!

Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

OOHHH I recognize the picture...bytw I LOVE It....feel better soon!!

Sandy said...

Lordy, I jusst love this woman, and I can relate to the condition.


Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

Get well soon...I do love your sketch though...even though you look miserable!