Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Show me the money!

I spent the morning with millions and millions of dollars but this is all I came home with...a capsule of shredded money so don't get your hopes up of borrowing any from me or for that matter, my morning venue.  I went with a group to tour the Federal Reserve Bank in downtown Houston, an incredibly beautiful and totally functional building.  Amazing architecture and even more beautiful furnishings and I'm not talking about the $$$ in its 5 story vault.  So tastefully done with an impressive collection of Texas artists.  It was designed by Michael Graves...yep, the same guy who creates household items for Target.  Walls and furniture in beautiful oak from around Austin and hill country limestone on the floor.  The beautiful board room with a wall of windows onto Allen Parkway, inlaid huge conference table with lovely blue leather chairs embossed with the seal of the Federal Reserve.  90 million dollar facility to hold the millions but a beautiful asset to Houston.  So now every plain white 18 wheeler I pass I have to wonder if it is carrying an enormous load of money to very secure gates of the Federal Reserve.

1 comment:

Babs said...

Who knew?